
Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope you all have had a beautiful Mother's Day!  I had a very nice one.  My family was very good to me this year.

I remember a few Mother's Days that were a little more difficult though.  The holidays can be hard when you spouse is deployed.  Mother's Day or Father's Day or even your birthday can be a little harder to get through when you have little ones who want to do for you but don't have a way to do it by them self.
One year we had a friend offer to take the kids shopping, another year I asked a friend to take them and then another my parents happened to be visiting and so they took them.  Reach out and go ahead and ask a friend to help you with this.  I know it's hard and it seems weird but your kids really do want to surprise you and your friends really do want to help you so .... Just ask!  It really is okay.  :o)

If you are a friend or family member reading here, please offer to do this without their asking.  It's so hard to ask for something like this so please if you know someone whose spouse is deployed, just do, don't ask, just do.

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