

After my husband's last deployment we moved to Ft. Leavenworth where my husband's job has him traveling a lot.  It's not for long periods of time, thankfully, but it's usually for couple of weeks or so.

When we first got here he traveled ALL the time!  I hated it because I felt like he had just got home!  I eventually got used to taking him to the airport all the time.  It became kind of second nature and though I was always sad to see him leave, the tears just didn't really flow much anymore.

Recently, his travels have slowed a great deal, but this morning, I took him to the airport dark and early for his first trip of this new year and I have to tell you. As I pulled away from the airport the tears flowed.  I was kind of surprised by it.  It had been several months since his last trip and so I was no longer "used" to it.  The tears came and the memories came flooding back to all the times we've said goodbye for deployments and I was, AM grateful that this is a very short trip compared to his last major deployment.

The tears only lasted a few moments and then I turned up the radio and sang a long but today, I am thinking of all you out there whose husbands are far, far away for a lot longer than mine and are in harms way.  I think of you most everyday but today it's even more.  

Thank you to all the military families out there, especially those with a loved one in harms way and those who have lost loved ones.  You are AWESOME and I appreciate you.  Bless you and your families and please if you need anything, ask for help.  There are people out there just waiting for you ask them.  THANK YOU!

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